The Flash movie has finally been released after multiple details and controversy over its main lead. Despite this is the movie worth the watch? Those of you may know that this movie is based on the Flashpoint comics were Barry Allen travels back in time to save his mother from dying and causes big changes to the timeline. In the comics that change was a war between the Amazonian's and the Atlantians with the surface caught in the middle of that war. I thought that would have been a better way make the movie in a similar way to the comic as we already have the Atlantians and the Amazonians in the DCEU. Whether because of budget this was not done. As those who have read the comics know it is a vast story with a lot in it and I guess the budget for that type of movie would be to much. Also the Flash CW series also did there own Flashpoint.
In this movie it's basically the Man of Steel 2.0 about halfway through the movie. Instead of seeing Superman we see Supergirl who ended up in Russia instead of Kansas, seems also to be a reference to the Red Son comics.
Barry is successful in saving his mother and not only changing the timeline but also opening the Multiverse which Michael Keatings Batman tries to explain to the two Barry Allens. Michael Keatings Batman has been done well in this and it was great to see him reprising his role as Batman. The comedy between the two Barrys is good but I will have to say that the immature Barry does tend to get annoying at times.
The prime Barry Allen loses his powers to the alternate Barry Allen for a period, and with the help of Batman tries to get his powers back by recreating what had happened to him. We also see this in the Flashpoint Comic.
Zod appears over the sky of Earth demanding that they release the Kryptonian to them. We see this in the Man of Steel movie the first DCEU Movie. Kara (Supergirl) agrees to help The Flashes and Batman to fight against Zod. The action in this is fast pacing once it starts. Things however do not go well.
We see towards the end the multiverse starting to unravel, we see multiple cameos of the DC's characters from movies in the past as they look out and see a tear in the multiverse. I won't go into any further details. It kind of reminds me of the CW Flash special of Crisis of Infinite Earths were we see multiple cameos of TV series throughout the decades as well.
As I asked already, is the movie any good, yes, could it have been better also yes. The special effects in this in parts could have been better, but doesn't take away from the overall movie. Let me know your thoughts on the movie in the comments below.