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  • Writer's pictureCiaran Fitzsimons

The Dragon Prince Season 4 Episode 4 Review

fantasy today I'm going to give you my review for The Dragon Prince season 4 episode 4. Please be advised there are spoilers ahead.

Following on from the end of the previous episode the queen growls at the news of the staff being stolen. The crowd there are stunned by this.

The queen thanks Ezren for the invite to his kingdom but she must return to hers. Ezren asks her to wait. If the fallen star is a danger to the whole world, then this is a chance to solve our problems together. The queen appreciates the sentiment, but Ibis's warning is to urgent to delay. She is taken Zym and departing immediately.

Zym disappears but hasn't gone far. Ezren searches for him

Claudia returns to her father with the staff. Viren is afraid of it and asks Claudia to hold onto it.

Zym is found but is not happy that he has to go home with his mom. Ezren wishes there was a way they could combine strength and purpose and face it together. Opeli says there may be a way for him to go with her. The queen nods but Ezren says Katalos needs him but Opeli says the world needs him right now. The high council can take care of the people.

Ezren goes with the queen as does, Rayla, Soren, and Callum. Callum tells the other dragon to wait as he might have something important in relation to the fallen Star, the mirror. he believes the mirror is connected somehow to the evil returning to the world.They need to bring it with them to the Storm Spire. The leave Katalos.

The queen explains to Ezren about Aaravos, who is a star touch elf.

Claudia, Viren and Terry set up a camp fire and sleep. Terry's crying wakes Viren. Terry explains to Viren what he had done in the last episode and that he loves his daughter. Viren says that in the name of love you may perform acts so unforgivable, you will never forgive yourself.

In the episode we also get to see that trouble is brewing in the elf camp between the elves and the humans.

The Dragon queen explains that Aavaros whispers into the ears of mages to do his bidding, we see this happening to Viren and the last season. She explains about his treachery and how he was originally stopped.

Ezren grieves for Ibis and the pinnacle of the mountain. Both Rayla and Ezren hug Zym who is upset at his friends death. The queen says losing Ibis is heartbreaking but the world with face cascades of heartbreak and loss if they don't stop Aavaros.

Pyrrah returns with Callum , Soren and Bait. The queen wonders how Callum has Avizandums looking glass. Callum explains that Viren stole it. She says the looking glass is enchanted and and identical mirror is within the magical prison and order for Avizandum to keep and eye on Aavaros. When no light reflects its surface it becomes clear as a window and you can see directly into the prison itself. Callum says that it makes sense "In darkness gaze upon a fallen star".

Claudia wakes the others up to start the spell to release the creature in the chrysalis. The spell needs the suns first light to open the Chrysalis.

At the Storm Spire the queen uses the storm clouds to block the sun so they can see into the mirror. They see Aavaros.

Viren won't touch the staff so Claudia decides to do it herself. She begins the spell and the first light hits the staff and touches the chrysalis.

Aavaros sees the others and uses magic to choke Callum. Callum Collapse, Rayla walks over to him. He comes under the control of Aavaros. He speaks through him to Zubeia. He is not impressed with the champions she has gathered to try and stop him. They are nothing but pathetic children. Callum is destined to play into his hands. His time has come. His return to the world is inevitable. He releases Callum, he blows kisses and the mirror shatters.

We see the Chrysalis begin to open and the creature inside walks out.

This is another interesting episode and we get a greater back story to Aavaros and what he had done in the past to get him locked up and what it took to get to defeat him and the dragons and a young girl that stopped him. It makes you wonder what the fate is for Callum since he was so easily taken over by Aavaros. Being a child he will need to grow more as high mage in order not to be so easily drawn. Mind you Viren was high mage with greater magic that Callum, but the difference with Viren is he wanted the power and Aavaros. But after his death he seems to be more afraid, not even willing to touch the staff that Claudia has.

Not an action packed episode but still good, over all I would rate this as a 3/5­­

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