Hi everyone today I'm going to give you my review of Tales of the Jedi short series. I will be giving my review of all of the episodes and some things that you may not have heard about. Please be advised spoilers ahead.
In the first episode we come to a village on the Togruta planet of Shili, were we hear of the birth of Ahsoka, she was born at around about 36 BBY, her mother is Pav-ti and her father Nak-il. We see in the opening sequence her father is excited about her birth and the villagers come to great the new arrival.
We come then to over a year later were Pav-ti goes out hunting Kybucks with young Ahsoka. As they leave the village elder Gantika puts a mark on both the heads of Ashoka & Pav-ti for luck. During the hunt Pav-ti was able to kill a Kybuck but as she was about to carry the Kybuck back to the village they are attached by a saber tooth tiger. Pav-ti does her best to protect Ahsoka, as the villagers arrive to defend them both the Saber tooth tiger takes Ahsoka. The villagers attempt to search for Ahoska and the tiger but to no avail. However, as the tiger drops Ahsoka and makes an attempt to eat her she uses the force to calm the tiger and is then seen riding the tiger back to the village.
Once her mother takes Ahoska from the back of the tiger Gantika walks over to both parents, who are confused as to what has happened. The Village elder tells the parents that Ahsoka is Jedi.
I think at this stage they know that Ahsoka will at some stage will be visited by the Jedi to take her but we don't see this in this episode. The animation on this episodes and the remaining 5 episodes is spectacular. This is not a fast pacing episode but still a good one in my opinion. The animation of the village, characters and forest is spectacular as well. We won't see Ahsoka again until episodes 5 & 6, Episodes 2, 3 and 4 focus mainly on Dooku and his fall.