So far this series has been good, even though some of the episodes have been slow and may not be up to everyone's liking. I like the slow pace as it's giving us a greater understanding and back stories to some of the new Star Wars characters, Who if they survive after season two we'll see again probably in some other live action or animated series. I'm not forgetting that Cassian dies in Rogue One.
We don't need back stories to the other main charactors of the show like Mon Monthma, Saw Gerrara, Yularan etc., as we know their back stories from the movies and the animated TV shows.
The episode opens with Syril back at home with his annoying mother, thankfully my mother ain't that annoying and no wonder he's a sad looking git.
We see more of the ISB and we get to see Yularan in this episode, wanting everyone to invoke the Public order resentencing directive. Any criminal act with even indirect effect on the Empire will be branded a class one offense, and we see that with poor Cassian on Nimos. Dedra is not happy as she believes they are playing straight into the rebels hands.
We see Mon Mothma visiting Luthen and confronts him in regards to the raid on Aldhani. We see that she is not happy about it and that Luthen and his partisans are to violent and don't care about the ordinary civilians. We can see the difference between her and the partisans beginning to grow and we see those differences in the Rebels TV series.
It's good that we finally see more of Coruscant in live action as we have only seen really the senate building and the Jedi temple in the prequel's and we have seen more of Coruscant in the Clone wars series that in live action. We see Vel & Kleya meeting in secret and that Luthan doesn't want any loose ends and wants Cassian killed.
We are back on Ferrick with Cassian visiting his mother and wants her to leave the planet with him as he has come into some credits. She refuses to leave as she tells him that she is joining the rebellion after what had happened on Aldhani.
We see Mon Monthma at the dinner party talking with her senator friend Tay Kolma. She confides in him and tell him that the grand Vizer has infiltrated her Separatist coalition and that her driver is an ISB plant. She goes a round about way on letting him know that the Mon Mothma everyone seems to think is a lie. she needs his help to basically get finances for her rebellion.
We see on flash back in this episode with Cassian were we see some clone troopers Marching on the streets of Ferricks, this is obviously after order 66 was given. A riot is about to break out and Cassians father Clem tries to stop it but as he does the clone troopers turn and point their weapons at them. We learn from Maarva a short time later that Clem was hanged in the town Square. We see this kind of hanging in Obi-Wan Kenobi earlier in the year.
We are back in the ISB and we see that Belvin tries to lodge a charge against Dedra which backfires against him, as major Partagaz removes him from the Morlana sector and gives it to her instead. After the meeting Major Partagaz warns her to watch her back.
We see another new planet in Star Wars called Niamos, a holiday planet, probably something similar to Riza on Star Trek. We see him walking along the beach heading towards a shop to buy some Peezo's when guys run past him, they are pursued by Imperial probe droids. when Cassian leaves the beach area to enter the shop he is stopped by a shore trooper and interrogated by him thinking he is part of the other that are running. Cassian tries to plead his innocents but to no avail. we see him before an Imperial judge and is sentence to 6 years in prison.
we believe the next three episodes will be Andor in prison and the eventual break out. however, Jason from Making Star Wars.net seems to think it could only be two episodes. Hopefully that will be the case as the series is starting to pick up the pace a bit now and should keep the pace going quickly. But we shall see.