Hi Everyone, here is my review of Star Wars Ahsoka Episodes 1 & 2. Please note that this is a spoiler review. These two episodes do take time to build up momentum but this is in a good way as it lets the story unfold as both the antagonists and Ahsoka seek for the location of Grand Admiral Thrawn. Who we discover later is not in the galaxy but in another galaxy.
It opens with the New Republic transporting Morgan Elsbeth to justice, but is boarded by Baylan Skoll and his apprentice Shin Hati. Who attack those on board and are able to rescue Morgan.
We discover that Morgan Elsbeth is in fact a Night Sister from Dathomir who is loyal to Thrawn. Ahsoka is successful in finding the map to Thrawns location but is unable to access it and Hera informs Ahoska who could help her and that is Sabine. It would appear that Ahsoka and Sabine did not leave on the best of terms and we also discover that Sabine was Ahsokas Apprentice.
We see Lothal in live action of the first time and it looks fantastic compared to the animated show, looks far better and we get to see Governor Ryder Azadi in live action. A lot of fans were hoping to see him and it wasn't a disappointment. He was there for the commemoration of the Rebels that liberated Lothal from the Empire and was introducing Sabine who left.
Ahsoka arrives on Lothal for Sabine, but there is a coldness between them at first. Sabine helps Ahsoka and is able to unlock the map that leads to Thrawn, after she had taken it from Ahsokas ship without her permission. She is suddenly attacked by two droids sent by Baylan to retrieve the map. They are successful and Sabine chases after them only to be confronted then by Shin Hati. A lightsaber dual takes place between them both, but Shin gets the upper hand as Sabine is a bit rusty in her fighting, and is stabbed in the stomach (which appears to be survival in Star Wars unless your Qui Gon)
Ahsoka finds her and takes her to the medical centre in Lothal to recover. Morgan Elsbeth, retrieves the map and is able to open it and we see more detail of the map and the location of Thrawn.
We see Ahsoka and Hera head to Corellia shipyards to further investigate Morgan Elsbeths dealings there. They discover that a new drive was being constructed but it's order was restricted, but we discover that there are those still loyal to the empire and to Thrawn and a battle ensues. Ahsoka goes after Morrak and a great lightsaber fight starts between the two. We see Hera aboard the Phantom and is in pursuit of the drive, and is fired upon and gets Chopper to tag the ship with a tracker before and heads into hyperspace so they can track its location.
Let us hope that episode three which is shorter than the first two lives up to these two great episodes. I don't see in this series any filler episode I think the story will continue in this pace which I think will be good for it was it worked well with Andor. Overall I give these episodes a 9 out of 10. The effects are excellent and it also feels like a fifth season of Rebels, role on next week. Let me know your thoughts on the episodes in the comments below and until the next time MTFBWY.
#StarWars, #Ahsoka, #Review, #BaylanSkoll, #ShinHati, #MorganElsbeth, #Chopper, #SabineWren, #HeraSyndulla,