In the book we see Wesley Crusher as the traveler. Those who have seen Star Trek the Next Generation will know that he becomes the traveler in the Season 7 episode "Journey's End". We also see him again as the traveler in the resent season Finale of Season 2 of Star Trek Picard. He is doing some investigating on Temporal anomalies that are happening through time and in the multiverses. We see him standing before the Guardian of Forever.
I won't go into to much detail as I don't want to spoil it to much in case you haven't seen it. Book one features the usual characters from Star Trek the Next Generation. We will also see Ezri Dax from Deep Space Nine in this book. The USS Enterprise E and the USS Aventine under Captain Ezri Dax also with Wesley's help try to understand who is causing these temporal incursions. We find out towards the end of the book who is believed to be responsible and it's a race we've seen only once it The Next Generation TV series, it's good to bring them back.
Overall I think the story is excellent and moves along at a good pace. The Character development is excellent and we see a lot of tragedy in this book and a death of one of the main characters but I won't mention who. I would highly recommend reading this book. I would give this first book an 8/10. I'm currently in the middle of reading Book 2 and will give you my review once I've finished it.
#StarTrek, #JeanLucPicard, #WesleyCrusher, #Worf, #GalleryBooks, #GuardiansofForever, #USSEnterpriseE, #USSAventine, #Devidian, #EzriDax, #DepartmentOfTemporalInvestigations.